General FAQ
Q: Can I cancel my order after I've made a purchase?
A: Yes! We offer immediate order cancellation between 12 and 24 hours of your order being placed.
Your order will be issued to be cancelled and refunded in full as soon as we get your request, so long as the order has not shipped out yet.
Please note that there can be up to a 48 hour tracking delay, so the supply team may have to confirm that your order has not left our warehouse before issuing your return.
If you would still like a refund once your order has been shipped out, you will have to initiate our standard returns process.
Q: How do I return or exchange an item?
A: Our return policy is effective for 30 days from the time your order is delivered.
Please refer to our Refund Policy for more information on how to initiate the returns process.
Q: What types of Payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept Visa, Mastercard & American Express. We also accept Paypal, Apple Pay, Shop Pay & Google Pay.
Q: What are your shipping options?
A: Currently, we offer two shipping options - Standard Shipping and Priority Insured Shipping.
Standard Shipping includes standard insurance if your product is lost, damaged or stolen.
Priority Insured Shipping includes additional coverage and insurance if your product is lost, damaged or stolen, as well as slightly shorter processing and overall shipping times.
For more information, please visit the Shipping & Delivery page.
Q: What if the item I ordered arrives broken or damaged?
A: We’ll make it up to you. You can request a refund, or an exchange/store credit. Please contact us at
Q: Where do you ship from?
A: Primarily we ship out from fulfillment centers in the United States, Eastern Asia and Western Europe. If the item you've purchased is out of inventory in your nearest location, we'll send it directly from our production lines at the same delivery times as stated in our shipping section.
Q: I am missing items from my order.
A: Depending on the items you have ordered and our current stock at different locations, they may have been shipped out from different warehouse locations.
We fully guarantee and ensure that your package will arrive; if you find that your package has NOT arrived as per the timeline outlined on our Shipping page, please contact us at and we’ll get you sorted!